Let Them Eat Cake!

The Wedding Cake

We ordered a two-teir wedding cake from an amazing corner bakery in our hometown. We ordered almond cake- my favorite!! And buttercream icing- C's favorite! It's delicious and I'm really excited! We got our inspiration from a photo on theknot.com. The baker is doing the wave details on the side that goes with our beachy theme. We're providing the thick ribbon to do the dark blue detailing! I'll switch it to a photo of our actual cake after the wedding!

The Cake Topper

For our cake topper, we are using our Willow Tree by Susan Lordi figurine. One of my MOH actually gave this figurine to us for Christmas and we though it was perfect!

The figurine is labeled

                 "hold dear the promise of love.."

The Groom's Cake

For the groom's cake, I'm going to make a wedding cake out of rice crispy treats (FI loves them.)  I have a Peyton Manning figurine to go on one side (GO COLTS!) and a John Elway Figurine for the other (YEAH BRONCOS!- my team ;))

Cutting the Cake

We bought these. After we bought them, my cousin gave me a cake knife that my Nannie (who passed away) had given her on her wedding to use as my something old and borrowed. :) We may just have it on the table, I'm not sure yet.

**instead of the ribbons, I decorated them with beads. I'll post a different picture soon.